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If One Direction are anything, they’re actually quite average: to call them the worst anything is greatly overstating the case.

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At least they care more than Jess Glynne at least they’re not openly stupid like Jason Derulo at least they have a personality unlike Years & Years. Ultimately, there’s just nothing that I can find which makes One Direction worse than anyone else in the current pop scene. Their love songs are problematic, yes, but EVERYONE’S love songs at the moment are problematic.

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One Direction’s music is too workshopped for them to ever become Bjork-style auteurs but you never know maybe Zayne Malik’s escape from the shadow of Simon Cowell is going to turn him into our generation’s George Harrison. The only reason The Beatles aren’t known as a sappy boy band is that they got bored of being that and went on to produce some of the most groundbreaking work ever created. OK, so The Beatles wrote and played their own stuff, but they were also teen idols who sold sappy love songs to a predominately female teenage fanbase. In many ways, they’re not that different to The Beatles during their early days. Their songs are usually catchy, they sing with energy and their performances never seem to be actively insincere. Musically though, there’s little to hate about One Direction. ( Little Thing is incompetent and was written by Ed Sheeran. You Don’t Know You’re Beautiful meanwhile mangles the “You’re beautiful, no matter what” message into something more closely resembling “You hate yourself and I find that attractive never love yourself unless I’m there to let you” while Little Things says exactly the same thing but worse. Steal My Girl, for example, has the line “Everyone’s trying to steal my girl but she belongs to me” which is just wrong: whether she’s your girlfriend or not, a woman never belongs to you and isn’t your property. Their lyrics are almost universally problematic. There are problems with One Direction, yes. One Direction are underrated or, more accurately, their hatedom is overblown. Yes, I do realise that I’m running very behind schedule. This year, I’ve challenged myself to write a review of every song that manages to get to No.

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