Compare and contrast relief printing and intaglio.
Compare and contrast relief printing and intaglio.

The plank was sawn with the grain and planed smooth and then seasoned to prevent it from warping or cracking. First, a wooden block was made from a plank of soft wood such as pear or beech or sycamore. Some of the earliest surviving woodcut prints that date from the late fourteenth century up through the mid-fifteenth century have sophisticated compositions, but in general the medium remained a minor art form and was used mostly for printing images onto playing cards and religious images that were sold at pilgrim shrines and fairs, or by peddlers.Įarly woodcuts in Europe were made in the following manner. However, it wouldn’t be until there was a supply of cheap paper, presumably in the second half of the fourteenth century, that the first prints on paper were made. The earliest paper mills were founded in Italy in the late thirteenth century. Key to woodcut printing is the history of paper making. Woodcut printing was invented in China around the eighth century, perhaps earlier, and reached Europe through the Islamic world by the thirteenth century, at which point it was used to stamp designs onto textiles. One of the most important relief processes is woodcut. The design that stands in relief takes up the ink, and by applying vertical pressure, the design is transferred to a sheet of paper, for example. Ink is then applied to the printing surface. For example, a wooden block or metal plate or piece of linoleum is cut in such a way that the design stands in relief above the sections that have been cut away. Essentially, relief printing involves a printing surface that stands in relief. In this entry we will discuss a type of printing called relief printing. Third, through the application of pressure, an impression of the design is transferred from the printing surface onto multiple sheets of a printing medium, for example, paper, or sheets of satin or vellum-a parchment made from calf skin. First, an original design is transferred to a printing surface in some manner. All printmaking techniques follow three basic steps.

compare and contrast relief printing and intaglio.

A printing surface can be as simple as a cut potato, however, traditionally the most widely used materials have been wood, metal and stone.

compare and contrast relief printing and intaglio. compare and contrast relief printing and intaglio.

As such, printmaking requires an original design and a printing surface from which multiple copies of the original design are made onto a printing medium. What is a print? A print is an image that is produced by a process which enables it to be multiplied. This entry is for the advanced student who enjoys learning about techniques in art-in this case, printmaking.

Compare and contrast relief printing and intaglio.